ExtraBold Sales

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3 Tasks You Must do for Successful Sales

I know a pandemic wasn’t in your plans, and it wasn’t in mine either. I’ve gotta share though that I’m impressed and encouraged to see so many people refining their offers, discovering new ways to serve their clients, creatively using LinkedIn, and pursuing new business through Zoom.

Since we all know that there are things we can and can’t control in our world, it’s more important than ever for sales professionals to stay focused on those things which are in our control. Almost like a horse with blinders, we need to focus on the task at hand. (People put blinders on horses when they don’t want them spooked or distracted by anything around them because they only allow the horse to see what’s in front of them.)

So what are our tasks as sales professionals? No doubt your job description looks a lot like this. You have a LOT of stuff you’re supposed to do, so let’s make it simple. Here are 3 tasks I see as essential for all of us and our teams:

1. We must diligently do those things that generate revenue for our businesses.

2. We must perform these activities with honesty and integrity.


3. We (and each member of our team) must look carefully at ourselves to see how we as individuals help or hinder these activities and work on those things we need to change.

Beyond these 3 things, we must be flexible and patient because none of us know the future. Whatever comes, when we’re engaging in these 3 tasks, we’re ready. Let’s not give up too soon!